Listening Books service from The Gallery Partnership
Page last modified on 09 October 2012, at 11:42 AM (initially posted on 9 October 2012)
Listening Books is a UK charity providing a fantastic selection of high-quality audiobooks to some 23,000 people across the UK who find it difficult or impossible to read due to an illness, disability or learning difficulty. The charity helps a wide range of schools, organisations and individuals by making literature accessible to print-impaired people through audiobooks.
This service and website are hosted by The Gallery Partnership Ltd., the leading software and professional IT support services provider to charities and non-profits.
Org. | Service | Attribute | Notes | Required |
Gallery Partnership | Listening Books | eduPersonScopedAffiliation | Yes |
WAYFless URL:<entityID>
This service is available through a subscription to individuals with a print impairment or organisations catering to individuals with a print impairment.