JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP)
Page last modified on 07 March 2013, at 10:04 AM (initially posted on 10 November 2010)
The JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal aims to provide a "one-stop shop" where libraries go to view and download their own usage reports from publishers.
The portal makes it possible for libraries to compare their usage of different publisher deals, to look at trends over time and to complete their annual SCONUL returns for JUSP participating publishers.
Org. | Service | Attribute | Notes | Required |
MIMAS | JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP) | eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID eduPersonEntitlement | 19 | Yes Yes No |
19. Please refer to http://jusp.mimas.ac.uk/entitlements/siterep/ for further information. Mimas is able to provide additional information on this aspect if required and is keen to work with institutions who wish to implement this. Please email the helpdesk jusp at mimas.ac.uk for assistance.