JISC Collections present: the Burney Collection

Page last modified on 01 April 2010, at 01:22 PM (initially posted on 24 March 2010)

The Burney Collection has been purchased by JISC Collections and is available free of charge in perpetuity to UK Higher and Further Education institutions and Research Councils. The newspapers and news pamphlets, gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media available from the British Library.

The collection includes more than 1000 pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers from the period, including the first successful London daily and first illustrated newspaper. The collection covers more than 200 years of accounts from newspapers from England, Ireland, Scotland and a selection of papers from British colonies in the Americas and Asia. Students and researchers can conduct full-text searches of nearly 1 million pages - some 1,270 titles. The archive helps researchers chart the development of the newspaper beginning with irregularly published transcriptions of Parliamentary debates and proclamations to coffee house newsbooks.

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This service is available for subscription to UK HE, FE & research councils through JISC Collections.