- Introduction to the UK federation (
Downloadable sound file (mp3, 8.2Mb), or video presentation - Options for joining the federation (
sound file (mp3, 6.4Mb), or video presentation - Technical requirements for the UK federation (
sound file (mp3, 11.8Mb), or video presentation - Protecting User Privacy and Publisher Rights (
video presentation - Policy requirement for joining the UK federation (
sound file (mp3, 11.1Mb), or video presentation - Deploying Federated Access Management in FE: Case Study – Building the Business Case, Will Davidson, Halesowen College video presentation
- Deploying federated access management using the Shibb-on-Windows quick installer – Colin Bruce, Coventry University video presentation
- The JISC Federated Access Management animation
- Presentations made at the meeting of the Scottish Federated Access Management Forum (McShib).
Other presentations are available on the JISC Slideshow page