Please note: some of the links in this section are to copies of historical documents in the Internet Archive. These are marked thus: "(IA)"
- WAYF log-in terminology advice (IA)
- JISC Technical Pre-requisite Guide (for IdPs) (IA)
- Third Party Providers of Federated Access Management Solutions (IA) (our 3rd party support page is more up-to-date)
- Libraries briefing paper (IA)
- Federation overview (
- Federated access management for schools (
- JISC Briefing Paper for IdPs (IA)
- JISC Briefing Paper for Service Providers (IA)
- Becta Briefing Paper for IdPs (IA)
- JISC Business Case (IA)
- JISC Roadmap (IA)
- Application Process Map (IA)
- SP Standard Charge Membership Form