UK federation member organisations (1248)
Member Organisation |
123Doc Education Limited |
2 Simple Limited |
2Simple Software Limited |
3P Learning Limited |
3RPlus Limited |
9Star Research, Inc |
Aberdeen City Council |
Aberdeenshire Council |
Aberystwyth University |
Abingdon and Witney College |
Abintegro Limited |
The Academic Library Limited |
Academic Rights Press Limited |
Academy for Training and Development Limited |
Access Oxbridge Limited |
Access to Music Limited |
Access UK Limited |
ACS International Schools Limited |
Activate Learning |
Ada National College for Digital Skills |
Adam Matthew Digital Limited |
Adidas International Trading B.V. |
Advance Change Ltd |
Advania hf |
Advertising Intelligence Limited |
AECC University College |
The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute |
Airbus Defence and Space Limited |
Aiwip Ltd |
Ajenta Ltd |
Akari Software Ltd |
Alacrity Foundation |
The Alan Turing Institute |
Alexander Street Press, LLC |
Alexander Stuart |
Alfasoft Limited |
Alliance of Crop, Soil & Environmental Sci Soc Inc |
Allium UK Holding Limited |
Alpine Resourcing Limited |
Altmetric LLP |
Alton College |
Aluminati Network Group Limited |
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses |
American Chemical Society, Inc |
American Council of Learned Societies |
American Institute of Physics |
American Physical Society, Incorporated |
American Psychological Association |
American Society for Testing and Materials |
Amersham & Wycombe College |
Amsterdam University Press B.V. |
An:Artists Information Company |
Andrew Whitaker
(Trading as Instant Anatomy) |
Anglia Ruskin University |
Angus Council |
Apprenticeship Learning Solutions Limited
(Trading as ALS Training) |
Aquinas College |
Arachnys Information Services Ltd |
The Archbishops' Council for the Church of England |
Architectural Association (Incorporated) |
Arden University Limited |
Argyll and Bute Council |
Arts University Bournemouth |
AS207960 Cyfyngedig |
Ascential Events (Europe) Limited |
The Ashridge (Bonar Law Memorial) Trust |
Ashton Sixth Form College |
Askham Bryan College |
asknet AG |
Aspiration Training Ltd |
Assessment and Qualifications Alliance |
Associated Community Training Limited |
Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. |
The Association for Science Education |
Aston University |
ATEA Global Services, SIA |
Atomwide Limited
(trading as AdEPT Education) |
Atypon Systems, Inc |
Autology World Ltd |
Aylesbury College |
Ayrshire College |
Backpages Limited |
Bam Agency Limited |
Bangor University |
Barking and Dagenham College |
Barnet and Southgate College |
Barnfield Education Services Limited |
Barnsley College |
Barrow-in-Furness Sixth Form College |
Barry Bennett Limited |
Barton Peveril Sixth Form College |
Basingstoke College of Technology |
Bath College |
Bath Spa University |
BBC Studios Distribution Limited |
BCD Safety and Business Support Limited
(trading as Effective Software) |
The Beans Group Limited |
Beaumont College - A Salutem/Ambito College |
Bedford College |
Begell House Inc. |
Belfast Metropolitan College |
Ben Champion |
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler |
Berkshire College of Agriculture |
Beth Shalom Limited |
Better Futures Multi-Academy Trust |
Bexhill College |
Beyondid Managed Services India Private Limited |
Bibliu Ltd |
BIMM Limited |
Bilborough College |
Biomed Central Limited |
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council |
Birkbeck College |
Birkenhead Sixth Form College |
Birmingham City Council |
Birmingham City University |
Birmingham Metropolitan College |
Bishop Auckland College |
Bishop Burton College |
Bishop Grosseteste University |
B.K.W. Investments Pty. Ltd |
Blackbullion Ltd |
Blackburn College |
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council |
Blackpool and The Fylde College |
The Blackpool Sixth Form College |
BlikBook Ltd |
Bloomsbury Institute Limited |
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc |
BMJ Publishing Group Limited |
Boardworks Limited |
Bolton College |
Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council |
Bolton Sixth Form College |
Borders College |
Boston College |
The Bournemouth and Poole College |
Bournemouth Borough Council |
Bournemouth University |
Bournville College of Further Education |
BPP University Limited |
Bracknell Forest Borough Council
(acting for itself and the other members of the South East Grid for Learning) |
Bradford College |
BrainPOP UK Limited |
Bridgeman Art Library Limited (The) |
Bridgend College |
Bridgwater and Taunton College |
Brightlink Learning Limited |
Brighton, Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College |
Bristol Developers Limited |
British Broadcasting Corporation |
British Film Institute |
British Institute of Technology Ltd |
The British Library |
British Small Animal Veterinary Association |
British Standards Institution |
Brockenhurst College |
Bromley College of Further and Higher Education
(trading as London South East Colleges) |
Brooke House Sixth Form College |
Brooklands College |
The SMB Group |
Brunel University London |
Buckinghamshire County Council |
Buckinghamshire New University |
Bulk SMS Ltd
(Trading as VOODOO) |
Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing Ltd |
Burnley College |
Burton and South Derbyshire College |
Bury College |
C.A.B. International Limited |
Cadbury Sixth Form College |
Cadmore Media Limited |
Caia Software & Solutions, Inc |
Calderdale College |
CA Limited |
Cambridge Education Limited |
Cambridge Regional College |
Camden Council |
Camelot UK BIDCO Limited | |
Campus Management Corp UK Ltd |
Canterbury Christ Church University |
Canterbury College |
Capacity Builder Limited |
Capel Manor College |
Capita Birmingham Limited |
Capita Business Services Ltd |
Capita Managed IT Solutions Limited |
Cardiff and Vale College |
Cardiff Metropolitan University |
Cardiff University |
Cardinal Newman College |
Carmel College |
Cauldron Science Ltd |
Carshalton College |
Cengage Learning Inc |
Center for Computational Science Research, Inc |
Central Bedfordshire College |
The Central College of London |
Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited |
CES Services Management Limited |
Cetis LLP |
Charanga Limited |
Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College |
Chelmsford College |
Cheshire College - South and West |
Chesterfield College |
Chichester College Group |
Childlink Ltd |
China Club HQ Ltd |
Christ the King Sixth Form College |
Cirencester College |
Cirrus Identity, Inc |
City College Norwich |
City College Plymouth |
The City Literary Institute |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council |
City of Bristol College |
The City of Edinburgh Council |
City of Glasgow College |
The City of Liverpool College |
City of Portsmouth College |
City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College |
City of Sunderland College
(Trading as Education Partnership North East) |
City of Wolverhampton College |
City, University of London |
Clackmannanshire Council |
Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC |
Blake Elearning UK Limited |
Clicks and Links Ltd |
ClickView Ltd |
Clinical Skills Ltd |
Clio Software UK Limited |
Clustermarket Ltd |
Clustr Ltd |
Cogent SSC Limited |
Coherent Digital LLC |
Colchester Institute Enterprises Limited |
Coleg Cambria |
Coleg Ceredigion |
Coleg Gwent |
Coleg Sir Gar |
Coleg y Cymoedd |
College Development Network |
The College of Animal Welfare |
The College of Richard Collyer in Horsham |
The College of West Anglia |
Colleges Open Learning Exchange Group |
Columba Systems Limited |
Comité pour l'Accessibilité aux Publications en Sciences et Humanités
(Trading as CAPSH) |
Computer Systems in Education Ltd |
Concept 4 creative ltd |
Connected Information Systems B.V. |
Connected Papers Ltd |
The Conservatoire for Dance and Drama |
Constantia Associates Limited |
Contemporary Dance Trust Limited |
Contrapositive Limited |
Copyright Licensing Agency Limited (The) |
Core Projects & Technologies (UK) Ltd |
Cornell University |
Cornwall College |
Corpus Alienum Oy |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc |
Courtauld Institute of Art |
Coventry College |
Coventry University |
Coventry University Enterprises Limited |
Cranfield University |
Craven College |
Credo Reference Limited |
Crick Software Limited |
Croydon College |
CRYPTOCard Europe Limited |
Cultureshift Communications Ltd |
D2.Digital By Design Limited |
Dandy Booksellers Limited |
Darlington College |
The Dartington Hall Trust |
Dashboard Technology Limited |
Datamonitor Limited |
David Game College Ltd |
Day One Trust |
Debit Finance Collections PLC |
De Montfort University |
Department for Work and Pensions |
Department of Health & Social Care |
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety |
Derby City Council |
Derby College |
Derbyshire County Council |
Dial Solutions Limited |
Diamond Light Source Ltd |
Digital Identity Ltd |
Digital Measures, LLC |
Digital Limited |
Digitary |
Digitorial Limited |
DN Colleges Group |
Docuseek, LLC |
Domnet Digital Limited |
Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council |
Dotsec Pty Ltd |
Dudley College of Technology |
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council |
Dumfries and Galloway College |
Dumfries and Galloway Council |
Dundee and Angus College |
Dundee City Council |
Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College |
Earthscan |
East Ayrshire Council |
East Dunbartonshire Council |
East Durham College |
East Lothian Council |
East Malling Research |
East Norfolk Sixth Form College |
East of England Broadband Network |
East Renfrewshire Council |
East Surrey College |
East Sussex College Group |
Easton and Otley College |
Ebiquity plc |
Ebooks Corporation Limited | PTY Limited |
Ebrary |
EBSCO Industries, Inc. |
EBSCO Publishing, Inc |
Ecom Scotland Limited |
Economic and Social Research Council |
The Economist Group Limited |
Ed Johnston and Associates Ltd |
Eden Agency Limited |
Edge Hill University |
EDICT Training Limited |
Edinburgh Napier University |
Edinburgh College |
EducationCity Limited |
Education Scotland |
Education Software Solutions Ltd |
EduTone Corporation |
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd |
The Edward James Foundation Ltd
(acting for West Dean College) |
EKC Group |
e-lawstudent |
Ellucido Limited |
Elsevier B.V. |
Elsevier Inc |
Elzware Limited | Limited |
Emas UK Limited |
Emerald Publishing Limited |
Mind Tools Ltd |
emPSN Services Limited |
Encyclopaedia Britannica (UK) Limited |
Epi Genesys Limited |
Epic Performance Improvement Limited |
Epping Forest College |
Equality Challenge Unit |
Equinox Publishing Ltd |
Ernesford Grange Community School |
Esher College |
e-sign (UK) ltd |
Discovery Education Europe Limited |
Essex County Council |
Essington Information Technology Services Ltd |
Euromonitor International Limited |
European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
EuroTalk Limited |
evasys Gmbh |
evasys labs Gmbh |
Eveoh |
Everlution Software Limited |
Ex Libris (UK) Limited |
Exact Editions Limited |
Exeter College |
Expressive Software Projects Limited |
Exprodo Software Limited |
Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH |
Falkirk Council |
Falmouth Exeter plus |
Falmouth University |
Farnborough College of Technology |
Fashion Retail Academy |
Federated Access Ltd |
Fell Services Ltd |
Fife College |
Fife Council |
Figshare LLP |
Financial Times Limited (The) |
FindMyPast Limited |
Fircroft College of Adult Education |
Forth Valley College of Further and Higher Education |
The Foundation and Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
The Foundation for International Education Limited |
The Francis Crick Institute Limited |
Franklin College |
Frogtrade Limited |
Fronter UK Ltd |
The Frontline Organisation |
Fry-IT Limited |
Furness College |
Gale International Limited |
The Gallery Partnership Limited |
Gateshead College |
Gateway Sixth Form College |
GÉANT Limited |
GÉANT Vereniging
(Trading as GÉANT Association) |
Genome Research Limited |
The Geological Society Of London |
Georg Thieme Verlag KG |
German Swiss International School |
Getech Limited |
Glasgow Caledonian University |
Glasgow City Council |
Glasgow Clyde College |
Glasgow Kelvin College |
Glasgow School of Art |
GlaxoSmithKline PLC |
GlobalData UK Ltd |
GlobalData PLC |
Gloucestershire College |
Glyndwr University |
Godalming College |
Goldsmiths' College |
Good Shepherd Centre |
Gower College Swansea |
GradLeaders, LLC |
Graduate Gate Ltd |
Graduate Prospects Ltd |
Grand View Research, Inc. |
Grantham College |
Great Yarmouth College |
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College |
Greater London Authority |
Greenhead College |
Greenwich Leisure Limited |
GSM London Limited |
Groupcall Limited |
Grwp Llandrillo Menai |
GTI Futures Limited |
Guilford Publications, Inc |
Guildhall School of Music and Drama |
Hackney Community College |
Hadlow College |
Halesowen College |
Hampshire County Council |
Handshake International UK Ltd |
Haplo Services Ltd |
Harlow College |
Harper Adams University |
Hartlepool College of Further Education |
Hartpury University |
Havant and South Downs College |
Havering College of Further and Higher Education |
Havering Sixth Form College |
Health Data Research UK |
Heart of Yorkshire Education Group Ltd |
The Henley College |
Henry Stewart Talks Ltd |
Hereford College of Arts |
Hereford Sixth Form College |
Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College |
Heriot-Watt University |
Hertford Regional College |
Hertfordshire County Council |
The Higher Education Academy |
Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited |
Highland Council |
Highlands College |
HighWire Press, Inc. |
Hills Road Sixth Form College |
QS Enrolment Solutions Limited |
Hodder & Stoughton Limited |
Holborn College |
Holy Cross College |
Homefield College Limited |
The Hook Group Limited |
Hopwood Hall College |
House of Commons |
Huddersfield New College |
Hugh Baird College |
Hull College |
Huntingdonshire Regional College |
I Education Ltd |
IAM Technology Group Limited |
Ian A. Young |
IBISWorld Limited |
IBISWorld Pty Ltd |, Inc. |
Idea Elan LLC |
Idea Link SRL |
ideaQuad Limited |
Idox Software Ltd |
ifs University College |
IGI Global |
IHS Global Limited |
iLab Solutions, LLC |
Imagen Ltd |
Imaginative Minds Limited |
Impelsys Inc |
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine |
Impero Solutions Ltd |
Incomes Data Research Limited |
Independence Educational Publishers Ltd |
Info Technology Supply Limited |
Infobase Holdings, Inc. |
Informa plc |
Ingram Digital |
Inkpath Limited |
The Institute for Fiscal Studies |
The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital |
Institut Laue-Langevin |
Institute of Development Studies |
The Institute of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, Incorporated |
The Institution of Engineering and Technology |
The Institution of Structural Engineers |
Instruct Academic Services Limited |
Instruct-ERIC |
Instructure Global Limited |
Intellect Limited |
Interactive Music School Limited |
International Food Information Service (IFIS Publishing) |
International Institute for Strategic Studies |
Interoute Communications Limited |
Intrallect Limited |
Intuitive Media Limited |
Inverclyde Council |
IOP Publishing Limited |
IOS Press BV |
IS Oxford Ltd |
Isis Innovation Ltd |
Isle of Wight College |
Istituto Marangoni Limited |
Istituto Marangoni S.r.l |
Itchen College |
ITEC Training Solutions Ltd |
Ithaka Harbors, Inc. |
it's learning UK Limited |
itslearning AS |
The James Hutton Institute |
Jisc |
Jisc Services Limited |
Jobteaser |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
John Wiley & Sons Limited |
Johns Hopkins University |
Jon Agland |
Jordanhill School |
Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College |
Just2easy Limited |
Kanopy, Inc. |
S. Karger AG |
Kendal College |
Kensington and Chelsea College |
Kent County Council |
Key Note Limited |
Key Travel Ltd |
Kibble Education and Care Centre |
King Edward VI College Nuneaton |
King Edward VI College, Stourbridge |
King's College London |
Kingston Maurward College |
Kingston University |
Kirklees College |
Kivuto Solutions Inc. |
Kluwer Law International BV |
Knovel Corporation |
Knowsley Community College |
Koninklijke Brill NV |
Kortext Limited |
Kuki Ventures Ltd |
LabArchives, LLC |
LabCup ltd |
Labstep Limited |
Layershift Limited |
Lakes College West Cumbria |
Lancaster and Morecambe College |
Learnbuild Ltd |
Learning Nexus Ltd |
Learning on Screen: British Unis & Colgs Film & Video Council |
Learning Science Ltd |
Leeds City College |
Leeds City Council |
Leeds Arts University |
Leeds College of Building |
Leeds College of Music |
Leeds Beckett University |
Leeds Trinity University |
Legislate Technologies Limited |
Leicester City Council |
Leicester College |
Leicestershire County Council |
Leisure Management Technology Limited |
Leland Stanford Junior University |
Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o. |
Lexical Computing Limited |
Lexis-Nexis Europe Limited |
Leyton Sixth Form College |
LibLynx LLC |
Libnova SL |
Lincoln College |
Lincolnshire County Council |
LinkedIn Corporation |
Literary Dictionary Company Limited |
The Little Group Ltd |
Liverpool Hope University |
Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts |
Liverpool John Moores University |
The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine |
Liverpool University Press 2004 Ltd |
LNRS Data Services Limited |
London Academy of Business and Management Ltd |
London Borough of Lambeth |
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames |
London Borough of Tower Hamlets |
London Business School |
The London Interdisciplinary School Ltd |
London Library |
London Metropolitan College Limited |
London Metropolitan University |
London School of Business and Finance (UK) Limited |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine |
London School of Theology |
London South Bank University |
London Studio Centre Limited |
Long Road Sixth Form College |
Longley Park Sixth Form College |
Lorensberg Ltd |
Loreto College |
Loughborough College |
Loughborough University |
Lowestoft College |
LP+ Limited |
LRB Limited |
LTE Group
(trading as The Manchester College) |
Luton Borough Council |
Luton Sixth Form College |
MA Agriculture Limited |
MA Education Limited |
MA Healthcare Limited |
Macclesfield College |
Make-Sure Solutions Limited |
Making Education A Priority (MEAP) CIC |
Manchester City Council |
Manchester Metropolitan University |
The Manufacturing Technology Centre Limited |
The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | Ltd |
Marston Book Services Limited |
Mary Ward Settlement |
Massolit Online Education Limited |
Matthew Slowe |
McGraw Hill School Education Holdings, LLC |
MedHand International AB |
Medical Research Council |
Medway Council |
Membership Solutions Limited |
Mentimeter AB |
Mergermarket Limited |
Merthyr Tydfil College Limited |
Met Film Limited |
MHR International UK Limited |
Microform Imaging Limited |
Microsoft Corporation |
Mid-Cheshire College |
Middlesbrough College |
Middlesex University |
Mid-Kent College of Higher and Further Education |
Midlothian Council |
Milton Keynes College |
Milton Keynes Council |
Mimoto Limited |
MinD-Stiftung gemeinnützige GmbH |
Mintel International Group Limited |
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG |
Moorlands College |
Moray Council |
Moredun Research Institute |
Morley College Limited |
Moulton College |
MPS Limited |
My1Login Limited |
My Learning (UK) Ltd |
MyEd Limited |
Myerscough College |
MYJOVE Corporation |
MyKnowledgeMap Ltd |
MYUNiDAYS Limited |
The National Archives |
National Audit Office |
National Centre for Social Research |
National Film and Television School |
The National Institute of Economic and Social Research |
National Institute of Informatics |
National Library of Wales |
National Museums Scotland |
Natural Environment Research Council |
NBI Partnership Limited |
NCH at Northeastern Limited |
Neath Port Talbot College |
Nelson and Colne College |
New City College Corporation |
New College, Durham |
New College Lanarkshire |
N.E.W. College, Pontefract |
New College Swindon |
New Era Education Ltd |
Newbattle Abbey College |
Newbold College |
Newbury College |
Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group |
Newham College of Further Education |
Newham Sixth Form College |
Birmingham Newman University |
NewsBank, inc. |
New Scientist Ltd |
NHS Education for Scotland |
Noise Media Limited |
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG |
Nord Anglia eLearning Limited |
Norfolk County Council |
North Ayrshire Council |
North East Scotland College |
North East Surrey College of Technology |
Heart of Worcestershire College |
North Hertfordshire College |
North Kent College |
North Lanarkshire Council |
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College |
North West Learning Grid |
North West Regional College |
North Yorkshire County Council |
Northampton College |
Northern College for Residential Adult Education |
The Northern College of Art |
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment |
Northern Regional College |
Northern School of Contemporary Dance |
Norwich University of the Arts |
Notre Dame Sixth Form College |
Nottingham City Council |
Nottingham College |
Nottingham Trent University |
Nottinghamshire County Council |
NUS Services Limited |
Nwanshi Consulting Ltd |
NX3 Technologies Limited |
Oaklands College |
OCLC (UK) Limited |
Office for National Statistics |
Office for Students |
The Oldham College |
Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council |
Oldham Sixth Form College |
OLM Pavilion Limited |
One Limited |
OneVoice Digital Limited |
Open Policy Ltd |
The Open University |
OpenCampus UK Limited |
OpinionPanel Ltd |
Orange Technology Limited |
Orkney Islands Council |
Our Limited |
Overt Software Solutions Ltd |
Ovid Technologies, Inc |
Oxford Brookes University |
Oxford Learning Solutions Limited |
Oxfordshire County Council |
PageOne Communications Ltd |
Painless Security, LLC |
Palgrave Macmillan Limited |
Palmer's College |
Panopto EMEA Ltd |
Paperclip App Ltd |
Patchmanager B.V. |
Pathfinder Software Limited |
Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd |
Pearson College Ltd |
Pearson Education Limited |
Pearson Publishing Ltd |
Pebble Learning Ltd |
Pembrokeshire College |
Perfect Information Ltd |
Perlego Limited |
Perth & Kinross Council |
Peter Symonds' College |
Inspire Education Group |
Petroc |
Phoenix Software Limited |
Pirean Limited |
Placer Ltd |
Planet Enterprises Ltd |
Plumpton College |
Arts University Plymouth |
Point Progress Ltd |
Policy Review Projects Ltd |
Portland Press Ltd |
Potentially Limited |
Practical Action Publishing Limited |
President and Fellows of Harvard College
(Acting on behalf of Harvard University Press) |
PressReader International Limited |
Preston College |
Primary Technology Limited |
Prime Principle Limited |
Professional Development Foundation |
ProofID Limited |
Proprep UK ltd |
Proquest Information and Learning Limited |
Prospects College of Advanced Technology |
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing |
Pubble SaaS (Ireland) Limited |
Ingenta PLC |
Q & D Multimedia Limited |
QGateway, Inc |
QReserve Inc |
QS unisolution GmbH |
Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College |
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh |
Queen Mary University of London |
Queen Mary's College |
Queen Victoria School |
The Queen's University of Belfast |
Radar Leisure Tech Limited |
Radiological Society of North America |
Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance |
Ramesys (e-Business Services) Limited |
Ravensbourne |
Rayyan Systems, Inc. |
Reaseheath College |
Redbridge College |
RefME Ltd |
The Inner Circle Educational Trust |
Reigate College |
RELX (UK) Limited |
Renfrewshire Council |
Replicon Inc |
Research Innovations Ltd |
Research Research Ltd |
RetailMeNot UK Limited |
RIBA Enterprises |
Richard Huish College |
Richard Taunton Sixth Form College |
Richmond and Hillcroft Adult and Community College |
Riverside College Halton |
Rivers State University |
RM plc |
RMIT Training Pty Ltd |
RNN Group |
Robert Gordon University |
Rocket Science Solutions Ltd |
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council |
Roehampton University |
Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance |
Rothamsted Research Limited |
Royal Academy of Dance |
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art |
Royal Academy of Music |
Royal Agricultural University |
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead |
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama |
Royal College of Art |
Royal College of Music |
Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom (The) |
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
Royal College of Physicians of London |
Royal College of Surgeons of England |
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland |
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College |
Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital |
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust |
The Royal National College for the Blind |
Royal Northern College of Music |
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
The Royal Veterinary College |
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama |
Runshaw College |
Ruskin College |
Rutland County Council |
Sabinet Online Ltd |
SAE International |
Safari Books Online, LLC |
Safetycare (UK) Ltd |
SAGE Publications Limited |
Salford City College |
Salford Community Leisure Limited |
SAM Learning Ltd |
Sandwell College |
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council |
School of Oriental and African Studies | Ltd |
Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Science Warehouse Limited |
Scientia Ltd |
SciQuest Inc
(trading as JAGGAER) |
Sciwheel Limited |
The Scotsman Publications Limited |
Scottish Borders Council |
Scottish Film Ltd |
Scran Limited |
Screenmedia Design Limited |
Semantico Limited |
Semestry Limited |
Serco Leisure Operating Limited |
Senior Internet Limited |
Serco Limited |
Serotine Limited |
SheerID, Inc. |
The Sheffield College |
Sheffield Hallam University |
Sherston Software Limited |
The Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute Limited |
Shetland Islands Council |
Shipley College |
Shooters Hill Sixth Form College |
Shortlister Solutions Limited |
Shrewsbury Colleges Group |
Siennax International B.V. |
Sig-Nurture Limited |
Silverchair Science + Communications, LLC |
Simitive Limited |
Simply Do Ideas Limited |
Sir George Monoux College |
Siren Films Limited |
Sirius Corporation plc |
SiROP Association |
SiSo Software Limited |
Six To Start Limited |
The Sixth Form College, Colchester |
The Sixth Form College, Farnborough |
The Sixth Form College, Solihull |
SkillsForge Ltd |
Skyla Publishing Limited |
Snapwiz Edutec India Private Limited |
Snapwiz Inc |
Socialexplorer, Inc. |
Society for Computers and Law |
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers |
Software2 Limited |
Solent University |
Solihull College and University Centre |
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council |
Somerset College of Arts and Technology |
Somerset County Council |
SOP Hilmbauer & Mauberger GmbH & Co KG |
South & City College Birmingham |
South Ayrshire Council |
South Bank Colleges |
South Devon College |
South East Essex Sixth Form College |
South Eastern Regional College |
South Essex College of Further and Higher Education |
South Gloucestershire and Stroud College |
South Hampshire College Group |
South Lanarkshire College |
South Lanarkshire Council |
South Leicestershire College |
South Sefton 6th Form College |
South Staffordshire College |
South Thames Colleges Group |
South West College |
South West Grid for Learning Trust |
Southampton City Council |
Southern Regional College |
Southport College |
Sparsholt College, Hampshire |
SBG Companies Limited |
Springer Nature Limited |
Springshare LLC |
Springer Science+Business Media B.V |
Springer-Verlag London Limited |
SSERC Limited |
St Brendan's Sixth Form College |
St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College |
St David's Catholic College |
St Dominic's Sixth Form College |
St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College |
St George's University of London |
St Helens College |
St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council |
St John Rigby RC Sixth Form College |
St Mary's College |
St Mary's University College |
St Mary's University, Twickenham |
St Vincent College |
Staffordshire University |
Stamford Media Ltd |
Stanmore College |
StarRez Ltd |
The Stationery Office Ltd |
STEM Learning Limited |
STEMS Technology Ltd |
Stirling Council |
Stockport College |
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council |
The Education Training Collective |
Stoke-on-Trent College |
Stone Computers Limited |
Stranmillis University College |
Stratford-upon-Avon College |
Stratocore |
Strode College |
The Student Room Group Ltd |
Student Sales Limited |
Student Sponge Ltd | Limited |
Student Pages Media Group Limited |
Studybundles Limited |
Studywiz Ltd |
Stylescape Ltd |
Suffolk New College |
Sumac Mentoring Limited |
Sunflower Learning Limited |
Surge Information Technology Ltd |
Surrey County Council |
Swansea University |
Swiss Academic Software GmbH |
Symplicity Corporation |
Synergy. TV Limited |
S&P Global Inc |
Take Note Student Advertising Ltd |
Talais Ltd |
Talis Group Limited |
Tameside College |
TannerRitchie Publishing |
Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust |
TCAS Online Limited |
TDNet Ltd |
TEC Partnership |
Tees Valley Collaborative Trust |
Teesside University |
Telford & Wrekin Council |
Telford College |
TerminalFour Solutions Ltd |
Teton Data Systems |
Therapy Box Ltd |
Theatre Record Limited |
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc |
Thomas Rotherham College |
Thomson Reuters Global Resources |
Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited |
Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Inc. |
Tinopolis Interactive Limited |
TOPdesk Nederland BV |
Totton College |
TPLD Limited |
The Trafford College Group |
Trafford Council |
Train4Food Limited |
Trans Tech Publications Ltd |
Treloar Trust |
Tresham College of Further and Higher Education |
Trinity Laban Conservatoire Of Music And Dance |
Truro and Penwith College |
Turnitin UK LTD |
Turn It On! Limited |
Twig World Limited |
Tyne Coast College |
Ubiquick Group (France) |
Uckfield College |
The UK Centre For Animal Law Limited |
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology |
UK Health Security Agency |
UK Research and Innovation |
Unii Ltd |
Union Theological College |
Unique Student Access ltd |
Unique Style Platform Ltd |
UniRoomy Ltd |
United Colleges Group |
United ID |
Unitu Ltd |
University Centre Quayside Limited |
University College Birmingham |
University College London |
University College of Estate Management |
University College School |
University for the Creative Arts |
University of Aberdeen |
University of Abertay Dundee |
University of Bath |
University of Bedfordshire |
University of Birmingham |
The University of Bolton |
University of Bradford |
University of Brighton |
University of Bristol |
The University of Buckingham |
University of California Press Foundation |
University of Cambridge |
University of Central Lancashire |
University of Chester |
University of Chichester |
The University of Cumbria |
University of Derby |
University of Dundee |
University of Durham |
University of East Anglia |
University of East London |
University of Edinburgh |
University of Essex |
University of Exeter |
University of Fallujah |
University of Gibraltar |
University of Glasgow |
University of Gloucestershire |
University of Greenwich |
University of Hertfordshire |
The University of Huddersfield |
University of Hull |
University of Keele |
University of Kent |
University of Lancaster |
The University of Law Limited |
University of Leeds |
University of Leicester |
University of Lincoln |
University of Liverpool |
University of London |
The University of Manchester |
University of Michigan |
University of Newcastle upon Tyne |
The University of Northampton |
University of Northumbria at Newcastle |
The University of Nottingham |
University of Oxford |
University of Plymouth |
University of Portsmouth |
The University of Reading |
University of Salford |
The University of Sheffield |
University of South Wales |
University of Southampton |
University of St Andrews |
University of St Mark & St John |
University of Stirling |
University of Strathclyde |
University of Suffolk |
University of Sunderland |
University of Surrey |
University of Sussex |
University of the Arts London |
University of the Highlands and Islands |
University of the West of England, Bristol |
University of the West of Scotland |
University of Ulster |
University of Wales Trinity Saint David |
University of Warwick |
The University of West London |
University of Westminster |
University of Winchester |
University of Wolverhampton |
University of Worcester |
University of York |
Uniware Systems Limited |
Updata Infrastructure UK Ltd |
Varndean College |
VerifyEd Ltd |
Vertigo Ventures Ltd |
Video Enhanced Observation Ltd |
VitalSource Technologies Inc. |
VitalSource Technologies LLC |
Vixel AS |
vLex Justis Limited |
VOLO Group Limited |
VT Lifeskills Limited |
North Shropshire College |
Walsall College |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG |
Waltham Forest College |
Warrington & Vale Royal College |
Warwickshire College, Royal Leamington Spa, Rugby and Moreton Morrell |
Warwickshire County Council |
WasteAction Resource Efficiency Ltd |
Wazoku Ltd |
WebBased Limited |
WebsContent Ltd |
Wellcome Trust |
Wellington College |
West Berkshire Council |
West College Scotland |
West Dunbartonshire Council |
West Herts College |
West Kent and Ashford College |
West Lothian College |
West Lothian Council |
West Nottinghamshire College |
West Suffolk College |
West Thames College |
Western Education and Library Board |
Western Isles Council |
Weston College |
Weymouth College |
Wigan and Leigh College |
William Morris Sixth Form |
William S. Hein & Co., Inc. |
Wiltshire College |
The Windsor Forest Colleges Group |
Winstanley College |
Wirral Metropolitan College |
The WKCIC Group
(trading as Capital City College Group) |
Wolters Kluwer United States Inc |
Woking College |
Worcester Sixth Form College |
Worcestershire County Council |
Workers' Educational Association |
Working Men's College Corporation |
World Careers Network plc |
World Health Organization |
World Market Intelligence Limited |
World Politics Review LLC |
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd |
World Travel Centre Limited |
Worktribe Ltd |
WQE and Regent College Group
(Trading as WQE) |
Writelatex Limited
(Doing business as: Overleaf) |
Writtle University College |
Wyke Sixth Form College |
Xaverian College |
Xtensis Limited |
Xtreme Information Limited |
Yeovil College |
YHGfL Foundation |
York College |
York St John University |
YouGov Plc |
Youth Club Ltd |
Zeta Books SRL |
Available Services
Some services available via the UK federation.