2. Many services can make use of the eduPersonTargetedID attribute. This is a persistent opaque identifier, which enables service personalisation (remembering data about a user over different login sessions) without the service provider knowing who the user is. If the identity provider supplies the eduPersonTargetedID attribute, the session is treated similarly to an Athens personal account. Otherwise, the service's personalisation features (e.g., saved searches) may be disabled, though the service will still function in the same way as with Athens shared accounts. With some services (e.g., Zetoc Alert) this attribute is mandatory. If so, it is marked as "Required/Yes" in the table in Attribute Usage.
For a Shibboleth IdP, generation of eduPersonTargetedID in attribute-resolver.xml
is described on the IdP setup page.
Release of eduPersonTargetedID by attribute-filter.xml
is described further down the same page.
Users of other IdP software should check their documentation.