Administrative contact

The Administrative contact (or contacts) for an identity provider or service provider entity registered by a member organisation of the federation is responsible for maintaining the registration data of the entity, and for ensuring that federation policy is observed. An Administrative contact should normally be able to respond promptly to enquiries from the federation operator about the entity in question. There must be at least one Administrative contact, although only one is necessary for most entities.

An Administrative contact may be the same person as one of the member organisation's Management Contacts, who serve as the primary registrars and administrators of the organisation's participation in the federation. Alternatively, a Management Contact may prefer to devolve the function to this designated Administrative contact, normally another member of the organisation with specific responsibility for this entity.

Requests for the modification of a registered entity may come either from a Management Contact or from the Administrative contact. The Administrative contact may legitimately request (by email to the federation helpdesk) any change to the metadata for the entity in question, including the deletion of the entity, except for the following:

  • they may not request a change to the entityID value;
  • they may not request a change or addition of Administrative Contact.

Such changes may only be requested by a Management Contact.

An Administrative contact must be an actual person with an individual email address, and cannot be a generic title with a generic email address (such as a mailing list). The Administrative contact may be the same person as the Support or Technical contact.

This contact information is not published in the federation metadata, or anywhere else.

An Administrative contact can only be appointed or replaced by a Management Contact or an Signatory Contact.

Summary of inter-relations between federation contacts

This document summarises the inter-relations between the roles of the federation contacts